7.30-8.30 | Breakfast |
8.30-10.10 | Session II : Proteins processing nucleic acids, nucleotides... |
8.30-8.50 | Magdalena Kaus-Drobek, IIMCB Warsaw Crystal structures of restriction endonuclease MvaI |
8.50-9.10 | Monika Sokolowska, IIMCB Warsaw Asymmetric recognition of the target sequence in the BcnI-DNA crystal structure |
9.10-9.30 | Matthias Zebisch, Universitaet Leipzig Structure and function of ecto-nucleotide diphosphohydrolyases in purinergic signalling |
9.30-9.50 | Denis Kudlinski, Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen Structural studies on domains of the human spliceosomal DExD/H-box proteins hPRP22 and hPRP28 |
9.50-10.10 | Daniel Wohlwend, Georg-August-Universitaet, Goettingen Structural basis for the RanGTP-independent nuclear import of spliceosomal UsnRNPs |
10.10-10.30 | Coffee break |
10.30-12.10 | Session III : Recognition |
10.30-10.50 | Linda Schuldt, EMBL Hamburg The role of unconventional hydrogen bonds in Tet Repressor structure and function |
10.50-11.10 | Yen Ngo Thi Hai, Universitaet Greifswald Searching for new inhibitors for Escherichia coli peptide deformylase |
11.10-11.30 | Haydar Bulut, FU Berlin Arabidopsis Response Regulators |
11.30-11.50 | Robert Kolodziejczyk, CBB Poznan Crystal structure of Juvenile Hormone Binding Protein |
11.50-13.30 | Lunch |
13:30-17:30 | Sightseeing visit of Kornik Castle |
17.30-19.30 | Session IV : Methods |
17.30-17.50 | Anja Schütz, MDC Berlin-Buch A new protein sample production facility for structural biologists |
17.50-18.10 | Robert Janowski, EMBL Hamburg Reductive methylation to improve crystallization of the putative oxidoreductase Rv0765c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis |
18.10-18.30 | Xandra Kreplin, EMBL Hamburg Protein crystallization: towards the automation of optimization experiments |
18.30-18.50 | Jakub Barciszewski, CBB Poznan Crystallization of myogen |
18.50-19.10 | Johan Unge, EMBL Hamburg Longer X-ray wavelengths and Molecular Replacement |
19.10-19.30 | Maike Rochon, HZI Braunschweig Solving the crystal structure of the Aspergillus monooxygenase SidA: A journey through a low-resolution electron-density map |
19.30-21.30 | HEC Dinner |
21.30- | X Years of HEC Meetings - History, Reminiscences, Slides, Beer |